Hello old friend! Thanks for the mention - weirdly, Medium didn't notify me of the summons. Is that new or is that just me?
Things feel weird, yes? Giant blue full moon, haywire clocks. Something something mercury. Hopefully enough of us are saying the right things to our spirits and we will be given another chance. I am — today, the day before the election — a hand-wringing mess, seeking distraction in every corner. I will definitely read Devon's piece, thanks for sharing it. And I will clean all of the things and decorate paper and write to strangers and grab curbside pandemic wine. Busy busy busy.
I miss you and your writing, I miss the chatty responses and the oh-so-witty banter. Shall we take ourselves seriously?
Hey! Franksgiving is coming, have you heard?
I hope you and your people are all as well as any of us can be in this mad mad world. One day (one hour) at a time. Glad to see you back — I have a new piece going up soon, with lots of bad words. Fun times.