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How to Stick it to The Man

A Genteel Guide for the Rest of Us

Lisa Renee
7 min readDec 3, 2017


“Most activism is brought about by us ordinary people.” Patricia Hill Collins

The world, it’s getting the better of me. I wake heavy and resigned, defeated by the headlines, the madmen, the grime and the gristle. Rage fires and shit beds, kitchen’s a mess and dinner’s ruined.

It’s like a horror funhouse, all mad clowns groping and puppets stark raving with grinning, greedy glee. Someone has turned the volume ALL THE WAY UP and no one knows how to work the machine.

We need to do something about The Man. And, oy, the men. Honestly, I love a lot of you guys, but can everyone just put the swords away? Fingers on noses, boys. Feed the pigeons privately, unless someone says, oh god yes please I’d love to watch you feed the pigeons.

Do they have power because they wield willie like a weapon, or do they wield the weapon because of the power? A chicken/egg question for another time.

Anyway, The Man. Resistance is not futile, but it doesn’t need to look like canines and combat boots. I marched in my youth, I screamed at the capital and wore rebel messages on my tees. I was filled with youthful vigor and indignation at The Man and I channeled it with crowds and loud music and a fair amount of marginally informed mouthing off…

